[fpc-pascal] fpreport rangeerrors with TFPReportColor

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Wed Feb 21 23:53:32 CET 2018

On Wed, 21 Feb 2018, Mattias Gaertner wrote:

> On Wed, 21 Feb 2018 19:54:55 +0000
> Graeme Geldenhuys <mailinglists at geldenhuys.co.uk> wrote:
>> [...]
>> > Because UInt32 is not a JSON dataformat. 
>> Well, then I'll say that FPC's JSON needs to be extended to support 
>> UInt32, as it is a perfectly valid Object Pascal data type.
> How should FPC's JSON support something, that is not supported by

The problem is not in JSON.

Native Javascript supports 2^52 (or so) integer values, so every UInt32 value should fit
if written properly.

FPC's JSON supports Int64 and even QWord in FPC, so a UInt32 is definitely supported.

If the colors (a UInt32) is currently written as Longint (signed 32-bit) 
then of course a range check will follow, and this needs to be fixed.

The easiest solution is simply to read/write it as Int64.


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