[fpc-pascal] fpreport rangeerrors with TFPReportColor
Andreas Frieß
friess at gmx.at
Wed Feb 21 09:48:31 CET 2018
when i compile in Lazarus the Reportdesigner with activated RangeCheck
it gives a lot of runtimeerror with rangeerrors.
The definition is TFPReportColor = type UInt32;
Loading and saving in JSON is done by
function ReadInteger(AName: String; ADefault: Integer): Integer; override;
function WriteInteger(AName: String; ADefault: Integer): Integer; override;
internally of write and read there is a cast from d.AsInt64 to integer.
This means you have at reading a AsInt64 -> Integer -> UInt32. Actual i
have a value of 2147483648 ($80000000) wich make a rangecheckerror :-)
Should the definition for TFPReportColor not better TFPColor ( I KNOW
THE DIFFENCES) or QWord with the according routines. Because UInt32 is
not a JSON dataformat. Integer seems to be to small, so QWord fits this
better. TFPColor is more FPC-Compatible (with the overhead of the needed
I am wrong ?
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