[fpc-pascal] fpc code for Java class and Android.

Paul Breneman Paul2006 at BrenemanLabs.com
Sat May 27 04:25:31 CEST 2017

On 05/26/2017 06:25 AM, fredvs wrote:
> Paul Breneman wrote
>> I'll try to figure out how to do things (using ideU) first on my 64-bit
>> Xubuntu 16.04.  After that is clear it should be easier to try the same
>> thing on Android?  Are there any wiki pages for this?  If not I'd like
>> to help create one.
> Hello Paul.
> Are you taking about a wiki for MSEide-ideU ?

Yes, that is where I would like to start.

The wiki page that you linked below looks like a good start.  I'll try 
to help do something similar for console and fpGUI programs using ideU.

> If so, shame on me. I promised to Martin to make one but I did not find time
> to do it.
> I did this one : http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/MSEide_MSEgui_first_step
> But, of ourse, it is not enough.
> Huh, or maybe you are talking about something else...

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