[fpc-pascal] FPC Graphics options?

noreply at z505.com noreply at z505.com
Mon May 15 23:50:19 CEST 2017

On 2017-05-15 01:02, Sven Barth via fpc-pascal wrote:
>>> Wow, Graeme! That's harsh. One of the last set of benchmarks I did
>>> that focused on integer math and procedure call speed came out as
>>> follows:
>> I think he specifically meant graphics apps, not general apps
> While a raytracer is indeed a graphics app it's mainly about CPU
> computation in this case and not interfacing with the GPU like OpenGL
> does (of course one can write a raytracer to take advantage of the
> parallel architecture of a GPU, but that's bot the case in this
> specific example).

Graeme will need to clarify whether he was trying to be harsh on FPC 
entirely, or just specifically in some areas.. :-)

But Nikolay Nikolov's replacement unit should tell if fpc is as fast as 
turbopascal, as he claims it is a direct replacement and is super 
fast.... Then it's not fpc's fault but some problem in the default unit 
that was not optimized?  I don't know, never tried Nikolay's unit. But 
that also depends on whether Graeme was using that code from that unit 

Any claims that something is slow depends entirely on 1 million 
Then there are even those projects out there like FastMM but that's 
probably another aside unrelated

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