[fpc-pascal] Implementing AggPas with PtcGraph

Graeme Geldenhuys mailinglists at geldenhuys.co.uk
Thu Jun 15 01:09:31 CEST 2017

On 2017-06-14 16:37, James Richters wrote:
> I was able to finally compile and run the test program for Win64.

Excellent news!

>> As for AggPas. I use the version of AggPas that is included with
>> fpGUI. I simply make sure the path to AggPas is specified in the

There are 3 forks of AggPas that I know of, and the one included with 
fpGUI is the most maintained version (features and bug fixes).

> Previously I was using the only version of AggPas I could find by
> doing an internet search which I downloaded from here:
> http://www.crossgl.com/aggpas/aggpas-download.htm then downloaded
> AggPas24-rm3.zip

Ah, that would explain it. That is the original and FINAL release of 
AggPas by Milano from many years ago. It doesn't support 64-bit, doesn't 
support FreeBSD and had some bugs.

All those issues have been resolved in the AggPas included with fpGUI.

> So it looks like AggPas24-rm3.zip from
> http://www.crossgl.com/aggpas/aggpas-download.htm was last updated in
> 2008, while FPGUI was updated in 2015 and the version there has had
> some changes so it is now beyond 24-rm3.

And if you look in the "develop" branch of fpGUI, there is an even later 
AggPas version - last updated a month ago.

> Very confusing.  Maybe
> AggPas is not being maintained anymore at
> http://www.crossgl.com/aggpas ?

Yes, it is a bit confusing. No, the original AgPass from the crossgl.com 
website is not being maintained for many years.

I think you main a valid point in your other mail about the unit header 
comments. I'll update the header comments in fpGUI repository and make 
sure that it mentions that it is beyond the origin 2.4-rm3 release.

   And if you wondered why I don't have AggPas in its own repository?
   AggPas is/has been integrated into fpGUI and is becoming the default
   renderer for fpGUI's Canvas class. So it's a critical dependency
   (and at the time I didn't know about Git Submodules). At least
   I kept all the AggPas code in its own directory, but in hindsight,
   I should probably have named that directory "render/aggpas/" and not
   "render/software/". Umm, I might just change that before the
   next fpGUI release.


fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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