[fpc-pascal] Implementing AggPas with PtcGraph

Stefan V. Pantazi svpantazi at gmail.com
Sat Jun 3 18:45:03 CEST 2017

I seem to have some problems with logging on the bug tracker. I've used 
it in the recent past a couple of time but I am unable to log on for 
some reason. I will try later to create a new account and submit a fpc 
doc bug report.

At any rate, I attached the updated example based on Nikolay's recent 
post which had the correct information. There was a third "reserved" 
parameter that had to be added to the bitmap buffer structure. Without 
it, the output was slightly clipped to the right. Also, for the example 
to work, the agg object constructor must be modified as well, I included 
all the info in the example header. I think the example program 
(aggpas_ptcgraph_output.pas) fits well together with the other demos in 
fpGUI and PtcPas/ptcgraph packages, so adding it to the packages would 
help, regardless whether graph.PutImage documentation is updated.


On 06/03/2017 06:52 AM, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> On 2017-06-03 01:56, Stefan V. Pantazi wrote:
>> http://pascal.net.ru/PutImage+(en)
>> [...]
>> "BitMap is an untyped parameter that contains the height and width of
>> the region, and the bit image that will be put onto the screen."
>> [...]
> Could you file a FPC Documentation bug report and ask that this
> information be added. As you found out (very difficultly), this is vital
> information.
> Regards,
>   Graeme
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