[fpc-pascal] bitwise operations using AND, OR, XOR, NOT

Bernd Oppolzer bernd.oppolzer at t-online.de
Tue Jan 10 22:15:27 CET 2017

Am 08.01.2017 um 23:04 schrieb Sven Barth:

>> This depends on the Pascal compiler you use;
>> the old Wirth "Standard" yields syntax errors, if you use and etc. on types
>> other than boolean:
> We're here on the FPC mailing list, so I personally only care about the
> capabilities of FPC and that definitely supports bitwise operations (and
> so do TP and Delphi).
> Regards,
> Sven

In the meantime I read some articles about the history of FPC and TP and
Delphi and learned that these extensions had been made very early
in this history.

While I mentioned some days before that I don't want to compete with FPC
with my product, which is an extension of Stanford Pascal aka AAEC Pascal
(a Wirth P4 descendant) and which I ported recently to Windows, OS/2 and
Linux, I anyway will continue to add features that I consider useful.

So here we go:

01.2017 >    21:55:58  10.01.2017    PAGE   1
    ------  ------ --- ---- ---

         1           ) program TESTAND ( OUTPUT ) ;
         2           )
         3           ) var X , Y : INTEGER ;
         4    360D  1)     A , B : BOOLEAN ;
         5    362D  1)
         6    362D  1) begin (* HAUPTPROGRAMM *)
         7           )   X := 0X0E ;
         8      1N  1)   Y := 0X1D ;
         9      1N  1)   A := FALSE ;
        10      1N  1)   B := TRUE ;
        11      1N  1)   WRITELN ( 'x        ' , X ) ;
        12      1N  1)   WRITELN ( 'y        ' , Y ) ;
        13      1N  1)   WRITELN ( 'x and y  ' , X and Y ) ;
        14      1N  1)   WRITELN ( 'x and y  ' , X & Y ) ;
        15      1N  1)   WRITELN ( 'x or y   ' , X or Y ) ;
        16      1N  1)   WRITELN ( 'x or y   ' , X | Y ) ;
        17      1N  1)   WRITELN ( 'x xor y  ' , X XOR Y ) ;
        18      1N  1)   WRITELN ( 'not x    ' , not X ) ;
        19      1N  1)   WRITELN ( 'not y    ' , not Y ) ;
        20      1N  1)   WRITELN ( 'a        ' , a ) ;
        21      1N  1)   WRITELN ( 'b        ' , b ) ;
        22      1N  1)   WRITELN ( 'a and b  ' , A and B ) ;
        23      1N  1)   WRITELN ( 'a and b  ' , A & B ) ;
        24      1N  1)   WRITELN ( 'a or b   ' , A or B ) ;
        25      1N  1)   WRITELN ( 'a or b   ' , A | B ) ;
        26      1N  1)   WRITELN ( 'a xor b  ' , A XOR B ) ;
        27      1N  1)   WRITELN ( 'not a    ' , not A ) ;
        28      1N  1)   WRITELN ( 'not b    ' , not B ) ;
        29      1N  1) end (* HAUPTPROGRAMM *) .

      ****      NO SYNTAX ERROR(S) DETECTED.
      ****      29 LINE(S) READ,    0 PROCEDURE(S) COMPILED,

and the outcome:

c:\work\herc\pcode>pcint prr=testand.prr inc=passtrx,paslibx,
pas=testand.pas out=testand.prrlis

PCINT (Build 1.0 Jan 10 2017 21:51:56)

x                  14
y                  29
x and y            12
x and y            12
x or y             31
x or y             31
x xor y            19
not x             -15
not y             -30
a        FALSE
b        TRUE
a and b  FALSE
a and b  FALSE
a or b   TRUE
a or b   TRUE
a xor b  TRUE
not a    TRUE
not b    FALSE

*** Pascal Programm STP ***

More information: http://bernd-oppolzer.de/job9.htm

Kind regards


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