[fpc-pascal] javapp

Jon Foster jon-lists at jfpossibilities.com
Tue Jan 10 16:13:30 CET 2017

In figuring out Android programming with FPC I've read about the "javapp" 
tool. However when I try to do anything with it spends some time doing 
nothing and then outputs empty files. I downloaded and am using the 
prebuilt jasmin and javapp that was provide by a link to an archive in the 
wiki pages. Its been several months so sorry I don't remember much more 
than that. I can dredge up more info if needed. Javapp doesn't spit out a 
version number when run with "-help".

My scenario: It seemed like Javapp should be able to convert the "R.java" 
produced by "aapt" into the "resources.pas" (or whatever you want to call 
it). Rather than manually tweaking it every time you change a resource. 
This would also allow "make" to auto-determine when to rebuild it and do so 
as needed.

So from the top of my android project folder I used the following:

   $ java -jar /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.0/javapp.jar -classpath gen -o resources 
-private com.jfpossibilities.test

It ran for several seconds and produced the following output to the console:

   default charset: UTF-8
   Determining short Pascal class names...
   Indexing classes under com/jfpossibilities/test...
   Printing classes...

It produced a "resources.pas" file with the correct skeleton of a unit, 
including "resources.inc". It made an empty "resources.inc" (0 bytes).

So I'm obviously missing something.

THX - Jon

Jon Foster
JF Possibilities, Inc.

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