[fpc-pascal] {$H+} meaning with compiler {$mode DELPHIUNICODE}

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Mon May 9 12:42:45 CEST 2016

Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

> This weekend I tried to unify tiOPF's Delphi and FPC code. Year back
> tiOPF branched to support D2009 only and do loads of code clean-up. FPC
> couldn't follow that branch due to all Delphi's many RTL changes and
> UnicodeString support. I'm now trying to see what is still missing in
> FPC 3.x

Lots, such as unicodestring versions of all standard classes.

> Normally I would use {$H+} no tell the compiler that the aliased
> “String” type means AnsiString instead of ShortString. But what affect,
> if anything, does it have when {$mode delphiunicode} is enabled too?


>    I hate fragmentation of information - any such info should only live
>    in the official PDF documentation (and generated HTML pages). Please
>    don't follow the Lazarus route by fragmenting information all over
>    the internet! Next we'll have "official blogs" documenting FPC too.

The wiki pages are created when new features are implemented. Ideally, 
the official documentation will pick up all necessary information before 
the next release, but that obviously does not always happen. 
Additionally, the wiki pages can be easily updated in real time after a 
release when errors/omissions are seen, while the official documentation 
will only be regenerated when the next release is made.


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