[fpc-pascal] [heaptrc] no output for weblaz projects.

Thierry B. thierrybothorel at yahoo.fr
Sat Mar 26 18:40:39 CET 2016

Le 26/03/2016 11:46, Graeme Geldenhuys a écrit :
> add the fcl-web
> source path to your project

Thanks, I tried that but it still does not work. But I discovered that's 
because the program is never terminated gracefully. Stopping the 
debugger after the html page is displayed (if ran from Lazarus) or using 
Ctrl+C (if ran from the command line) does not fill heap.trc.

However using Application.Terminate (as explained in Lelelumbo Basic 
fpWeb Tutorial) does fill heap.trc (without the need to add the fcl-web 

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