[fpc-pascal] building arm cross compiler on FreeBSD

Tomas Hajny XHajT03 at hajny.biz
Sun Jan 10 01:32:15 CET 2016

On Sat, January 9, 2016 23:44, Jonas Maebe wrote:
> On 09/01/16 23:27, Marc Santhoff wrote:

Hi Jonas,

>> I'm stuck while trying to build a cross compiler for ARM on FreeBSD. The
>> compiler does not know any arm target.
>> FreeBSD is running on some arm
>> platforms (e.g. beagleboard), but it seems the combination is not
>> implemented in fpc.
>> How can I build a build a cross compiler running on FreeBSD compiling
>> for ARM?
> Try adding OS_TARGET=embedded to your "make all CPU_TARGET=arm"
> invocation in the top level directory (assuming you've set up your
> environment for cross-compiling to embedded).

I know next to nothing about target embedded or ARM, but the original
poster seems to have asked for support of FreeBSD on ARM (which is indeed
not available in FPC at the moment as far as I can see, although I would
guess that the existing support for Darwin on ARM together with the
existing support of FreeBSD on i386 and x86_64 might be a good starting
point). Was your suggestion meant just as the first step on the way
towards adding support for this target on ARM (would the ARM
cross-compiler not having even a start for the requested target really
help him in this case?)? Or have I missed something?


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