[fpc-pascal] Counting semaphore for free pascal

Michael Schnell mschnell at lumino.de
Wed Jul 29 17:05:03 CEST 2015

On 07/29/2015 04:47 PM, Serguei TARASSOV wrote:
> I see you're using two concepts of synchronization (semaphore and 
> events) at the same time.
> Maybe better to separate them?
> It is not clear why use events to limit thread access to service.

There are several implementation details a semaphore can have
  - counting / not counting
  - if taken by a precess/thread will the same process/thread 
block/count when it tries a second take ?
  - if taken by a precess/thread is  a different process/thread allowed 
to free it ?
  - ...


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