[fpc-pascal] TBGRABitmap / bounds

Philippe Lévi Philippe at quarta.com.br
Tue Jul 21 13:51:31 CEST 2015

  bmp := TBGRABitmap.Create(1024,1024, clBlack);
  bmp.FontHeight := 30;
  bmp.FontAntialias := true;
  bmp.FontStyle := [fsBold];
  bmp.TextOut( 0, 0, textonaovazio, ColorToBGRA(ColorToRGB( clWhite)), taLeftJustify);

  bounds := bmp.GetImageBounds;

bounds contains 0,1024 0,1024

and I need bounds of text generated by TextOut. Is it avalaible somewhere?

thank for any hint

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