[fpc-pascal] compiler message files

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Tue Jan 6 08:00:10 CET 2015

On Tue, 6 Jan 2015, Bee wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm experimenting with FPC's message (.msg) files. I wonder, who did create those files? Where are the text taken from? Is there any tool to generate those files?

They are created manually.

> I also found some inconsistencies in the file structure. There are some sections that are not following the "standard" structure. Most sections are marked by '\section' - '\end' pair string,
> which I think using Tex syntax. But there are some sections that doesn't have that mark, though its comment part is clearly indicates that it's a section. Those sections that don't have the
> '\section' mark still have pattern of a section, like section title and max number info on the header comment.

# BeginOfTex 
# EndOfTex 
mark the beginning or end of TeX code. The \section is simply transferred to the TeX file, you should not pay attention to it.
That said, in LaTeX there is no need for \section to be ended explicitly. It is ended automatically.


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