[fpc-pascal] Target Win32 missing

Tomas Hajny XHajT03 at hajny.biz
Mon Dec 7 01:27:42 CET 2015

On Mon, December 7, 2015 01:02, Lukas Gradl wrote:
>> What does '`fpc -Pi386 -PB`' do (the outer quotes should be removed
>> before
>> copying it to the command line, the inner quotes are there on purpose)?
> it says:
> /usr/bin/ppcross386
> When I call that directly I get win32 under the -T section
> But not when calling through fpc.
>> You need to tell fpc to call compiler for the respective CPU using the
>> -Pi386 (if it is installed correctly). Then you would see all the
>> targets
>> supported for i386 listed under -T<x>.
> And how do I tell this to fpc? In the fpc.cfg?
> I didn't touch win32 for some time - but it had been working. And I
> can't remember what I might have changed so it stopped working....

Quoting from my previous e-mail above: 'You need to tell fpc to call
compiler for the respective CPU using the -Pi386'. I.e. add '-Pi386' to
the command line options of 'fpc' (together with '-Twin32' and whatever
else you'd need there) and it should work.

Adding the -Pi386 parameter to fpc.cfg would not work (it's ignored
there); changing the default CPU to something different than the host CPU
doesn't make much sense (it would be more reasonable to install the 32-bit
compiler instead of the 64-bit compiler if you wanted to have i386 as the
default CPU target).

Hope this helps


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