[fpc-pascal] shared library on arm-linux (raspberry pi)

Fabio Luis Girardi fluisgirardi at gmail.com
Tue Jul 1 15:14:38 CEST 2014

Hi all!!

First (tests made on ARMHF): I did tests with latest FPC, built from trunk.
The trouble persists. A simple program can't load a simple shared library,
both built in FPC, but my program built in FPC can load a shared library
built in gcc.

As Marco said, stock fpc 2.6.4 don't works on armhf. So I downgrade my
linux install to a ARMEL distro (raspbian from 2013-05) and everything
works very well.

So, comparing the results, this can be a bug in the shared library
mechanism of FPC on ARMHF?

2014-06-28 12:29 GMT-03:00 Jonas Maebe <jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be>:

> On 28/06/14 16:48, Fabio Luis Girardi wrote:
>> I'm testing any option that appears to be useful to build a shared
>> library. Even If the help says that is unsupported. I'm desperate :)
> Unsupported options are much more likely to break things than fix things.
> Jonas
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The best regards,

Fabio Luis Girardi
PascalSCADA Project
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