[fpc-pascal] Namespaces Support

Fabrício Srdic fabricio.srdic at gmail.com
Sat Oct 26 13:06:42 CEST 2013

Sven and Leledumbo,

I agree with the importance of backward compatibility, but I disagree when
it becomes a reason to stop the implementation of improvements in the tool.

I remember the nigthmare of migrating my existing codebase to D2009 because
of your new UnicodeString support. But, with this change, we became able to
create apps with fully localization support. In my opinion, that is a great

Of course, we have to try to minimize any side effect or impact that a
change can cause, but when is impossible to avoid them, i believe that
the improvement is more important.


2013/10/26 Sven Barth <pascaldragon at googlemail.com>

> Am 26.10.2013 04:18 schrieb "Fabrício Srdic" <fabricio.srdic at gmail.com>:
> >
> > I know I'm a newbie in fpc, but I don't see backward compatibility a
> reason enough to leave to implement some improvements, like organize the
> > base units of the fpc into proper namespaces.
> We value backwards compatibility very high as there is much code out there.
> >
> > As Michael and Sven said, if Delphi itself is not fully compatible among
> versions, why should fpc be?
> Because we are better. ;)
> Regards
> Sven
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