[fpc-pascal] Namespaces Support

Fabrício Srdic fabricio.srdic at gmail.com
Sat Oct 26 04:18:03 CEST 2013

I know I'm a newbie in fpc, but I don't see backward compatibility a reason
enough to leave to implement some improvements, like organize the
base units of the fpc into proper namespaces.

As Michael and Sven said, if Delphi itself is not fully compatible among
versions, why should fpc be?

According to the on-line documentation, fpc has five units that are
specific to the Unix context. So, why not keep them in a Unix specific
namespace? If we have several elements that are platform-independent, why
not keep them in a specific namespace, like e.g "System"?

As the number of units of the fpc increases, keeping related elements
logically organized can even facilitate maintenance tasks.

To a novice like me, would be easier to locate and to identify what
elements which are present in a e.g Windows.API.Messages or
Windows.API.Mutex unit than in a huge Windows unit.

2013/10/25 Michael Van Canneyt <michael at freepascal.org>

> On Fri, 25 Oct 2013, Marco van de Voort wrote:
>  No one forces anything. You can perfectly set the default namespace to
>>> 'fpc' (or whatever) in the default config file, and all should compile
>>> as it was.
>> Yes. One can live with the XE2+ renaming at the cost of renaming units,
>> potentially fixing breakage later, and a lot of adaptation of existing
>> configuration, scripts etc.
>> But I repeat: what is the hurry?
> I am not hurrying anything.
> Where did you see me saying anything about timeframes ?
> The necessary default namespace support is not even there.
> I'm discussing principles, not timeframes.
> And the issue of compatibility: It is a bogus discussion, you know this as
> well as I do.
> If Delphi itself is not compatible between versions, then we cannot do so
> either, and must choose a version to which we are compatible (2 versions if
> you accept/count the 1-byte RTL).
> Whether that turns out to be D2009 or DXE1/2/3/4/5: I honestly couldn't
> care less.
> Michael.
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