[fpc-pascal] Re: read cells contents from .xls file

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho felipemonteiro.carvalho at gmail.com
Wed Oct 2 13:34:21 CEST 2013

It's really very simple. fpspreadsheet requires lazutils, which comes
inside the source code from Lazarus and lazutils does not require
anything out of FPC.

So if you don't want to use Lazarus, which would automatically solve
the problem, then just pass 2 unit search paths to FPC when compiling
your project which uses fpspreadsheet:

1> Path to fpspreadsheet
2> Path to lazutils (located in the folder lazarus/components/lazutils)

You need to download Lazarus to have lazutils, but you don't have to
use it as an IDE.

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 1:09 PM, John Lee <johnelee0 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have it and use it - but not lazarus. But using some legacy 2.2.2
> libraries w/o source & want it to work there. Even with latest fpc it didn't
> seem very easy to get sheet data into csv, I couldn't follow the examples in
> fpspread..., seemed to need lots of lazarus stuff n units that I didn't
> understand, just to do something simple, as in my original email.
> J
> On 2 October 2013 11:20, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
> <felipemonteiro.carvalho at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Why cant you download the latest FPC?
>> --
>> Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
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Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

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