[fpc-pascal] Windows Phone 8 + pascal

Juha Manninen juha.manninen62 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 24 22:58:34 CEST 2012

On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 8:57 PM, Sven Barth <pascaldragon at googlemail.com>wrote:

> I believe they'll mostly go through the WinRT, which is Microsoft's new
> API pet project.

Thanks. I didn't even know about this WinRT. New technologies are appearing
all the time.

Page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_RunTime
says that WinRT is a
API and uses a .NET-like metadata format.
So it is not native code after all then. I don't know why they advertised
it as native. I guess it is faster than .NET code because it is not
managed. I thought that .NET allows non-managed code, too.

Anyway, I believe Windows Phone will attract both developers and users in
future. It is a rather good environment for programming.
Things are not completely hopeless for Nokia and other Windows Phone makers

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