[fpc-pascal] Creating video files

Flávio Etrusco flavio.etrusco at gmail.com
Wed Jun 20 18:28:40 CEST 2012

Apart from _the_ multi-platform commandline video converter, ffmpeg?
It's the back-end for WinFF (and most other utilities like these).
Also, I would expect VirtualDub to run fine with WINE.


On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 11:00 AM, Krzysztof <dibo20 at wp.pl> wrote:
> Hmm, external application is nice idea. But VirtualDub is windows
> only. Anyone know multi-platform comandline video converter? What I
> found is Mencoder. I must test it
> 2012/6/20 Gerhard Scholz <gs at g--s.de>:
>> In my opinion, the easiest way is to create a series of BMP's and then use
>> VirtualDub or VirtualDubMod (I think it's at Sourceforge).
>> Greetings
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Krzysztof" <dibo20 at wp.pl>
>> To: "fpc-pascal" <fpc-pascal at lists.freepascal.org>
>> Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2012 3:53 PM
>> Subject: [fpc-pascal] Creating video files
>>> Hi,
>>> I would like to write video (created from series of bitmaps) to some
>>> popular video formats like avi, flv. Is this possible? Has FPC
>>> bindings for video librarys?
>>> I googled that WinFF (http://winff.org/html_new/) is written in FPC
>>> and Lazarus, so I supose that some bindings exists but can't find any
>>> in http://wiki.freepascal.org/Multimedia_Programming
>>> Regards.
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