[fpc-pascal] fpGUI Toolkit v0.8 release for FPC 2.4.4 & 2.6.0-rc
Paul Breneman
Paul2006 at BrenemanLabs.com
Thu Jan 5 01:47:42 CET 2012
Since the earlier release on 23-Dec-2011 the file mentioned below has
been updated to FPC 2.6.0 and the serial debug terminal example also has
some improvements made.
Paul Breneman wrote on 23-Dec-2011:
> I have posted a 3.9 MB zip file that has a minimal distribution of the
> FPC 2.4.4 compiler as well as the new fpGUI v0.8 source code on this page:
> http://www.turbocontrol.com/easyfpgui.htm
> I've also included (Synapse) SynaSer source and a serial debug terminal
> program I've been working on. Also new is the option of compiling the
> new (alpha?) fpGUI IDE.
> No installation is needed! Just extract the zip into a new folder. Open
> a command prompt in the root folder of what was extracted. Then type
> "compile dbgterm" and when that finishes (give it some time) type "cd
> bin" and then "dbgterm" and you should be up and running the new serial
> debug terminal. It really is that easy thanks to the Free Pascal and
> other teams!
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