[fpc-pascal] FP IDE: Error: Illegal parameter: -Cp386

Bart bartjunk64 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 4 18:27:31 CET 2012

On 1/4/12, Pierre Free Pascal <pierre at freepascal.org> wrote:
>   Did you try to "manually" (meaning with some other text editor, or sed
> script)
> remove the offending line -Cp386 from fp.cfg?

Yes, and that works.

>   The problem might come from a fp.cfg that was created by an earlier
> version
> of Free Pascal for which -Cp386 was allowed.

That might be true, I had fp from 2.4.4 earlier and possibly the
config file was already there.
I deleted all config file and let fp recreate them from scratch (not
using a previous it found elsewhere) and all seems to work.

So, it probably was all my fault to begin with.

A remark.
Why doesn't fp use only one (per user that is) fp.cgf/fp.ini file
stored in the default location for users (like Lazarus does), and
possibly configurable by commandline option
(--pcp=/path/to/my-fp-config) or environmentvariable?


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