[fpc-pascal] Re: FPCUp FPC/Lazarus installer/updater: first Linux/Windows version released
Reinier Olislagers
reinierolislagers at gmail.com
Wed Feb 15 15:17:12 CET 2012
On 14-2-2012 23:43, stootch wrote:
> W dniu 2012-02-14 10:41,
> reinierolislagers-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at public.gmane.org pisze:
>> You might try with a newer version; we have found and hopefully
>> fixed some problems with lazarus make...
> Um...
>> Info: make FPC=/home/stootch/fpc/bin/fpc.sh
>> --directory=/home/stootch/lazarus FPCDIR=/home/stootch/fpc/
>> UPXPROG=echo COPYTREE=echo clean all Info: Error setting Lazarus
>> config: ERangeError/Range check error Lazarus retrieval/compilation
>> failed.
DzieĆ dobry, Stootch!
Ok. The binary you used was probably from the morning of the 14th. Since
then, fixes have been made to the "which" command wrapper, which
probably fixes the problem.
Could you test again please?
If it doesn't work, could you run it and send the output of
1. fpcup --help | grep "compiled with" #version of tool
2. fpcup --help | grep "for CPU" #platform used
3. cd ~/lazarus #(or your custom lazarus directory)
#Check system wide settings (look for
#FPC, FPC version, FPCDIR and UnitsDir:
make fpc_baseinfo | less
4. cd ~/lazarus #(or your custom lazarus directory)
#this should pick up the proper unit path
#fpcdir and version from the fpcup-installed fpc version
#Check (look for FPC, FPC version, FPCDIR and UnitsDir:
make fpc_baseinfo FPC=~/<yourfpcdirectory>/bin/fpc.sh
I'm assuming you're running fpcup with default values (i.e. lazarus
directory = ~/lazarus, fpc directory = ~/fpc); if not, please adjust
BTW, new Linux x64 binary reports SVN versions when updating. Ludo
Brands is busy designing info+error log output...
Thanks a lot for helping,
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