[fpc-pascal] Re: RE : FPCUp FPC/Lazarus installer/updater: first Linux/Windows version released

Reinier Olislagers reinierolislagers at gmail.com
Fri Feb 10 17:54:26 CET 2012

On 10-2-2012 17:27, Ludo Brands wrote:
> Very nice!

> Suggestions: :) 
> - replace 'Debug:' with 'Progress:' or 'Info:'. The messages are useful :)
Yep, basically left a debug build up. Did intend to trim the messages some.
Done in currnet commit.

> - show some progress when checking out sources. The wait can be very long.
Ok. I think I will need help on that one but will come back to the list...

> - option to not install/update fpc or lazarus (fe. setting the corresponding
> dir or url to '')
Ok. Was thinking about allowing recompiles anyway with different
compiler options, so adding options e.g. --fpcnoupdate or --laznoupdate
could work as well.
Makes having a GUI more of a necessity/advantage...

> - in side by side, it is still juggling with command line parameters. Would
> be nice if fpcup would leave the settings in a .conf or .ini in the install
> dirs and when running fpcup from that dir it would pick up these settings
> and re-use them. Running fpcup in that dir with new parameters would update
> the settings. Similar to svn: you only specify the svn url once and do just
> an 'update' from then on. 
Yep, agreed. I had something this planned.
Still thinking about where to put the ini though. I'd prefer to put it
with fpcup itself. Otherwise you'd have to specify the directories each
time again.
Your thoughts?

> - (I hesitated to put this in the category "bugs") lazarus is configured to
> use (default on ubuntu) ~/fpc/bin/fpc. I have 2.4.4 installed with a
> /etc/fpc.cfg and ~/fpc/bin/fpc will just launch 2.4.4. Changing the compiler
> to ~/fpc/compiler/ppc386 and copying fpc.cfg to ~/fpc/compiler/ still fails
> because the compiler still picks up /etc/fpc.cfg. AFAIK the fpc.cfg in the
> compiler dir will only be picked up when there is no .fpc.cfg in the home
> directory nor a fpc.cfg in the current directory nor one in the path
> specified by PPC_CONFIG_PATH nor a /etc/fpc.cfg. Detecting a conflicting
> fpc.cfg and warning the user would be nice.
If I understand the FPC User's Guide correctly, one could use the -n
option to tell fpc to ignore config files, then specify the one we want
with @. The question is, can that be done with Lazarus - I suppose not...
Would copying over the newly installed FPC compiler's fpc.cfg to the
installed lazarus dir work?

> If "side by side" would be limited to different version
> numbers/architectures (as opposed to different revisions of the same
> version/architecture) then a 'pkexec make install INSTALL_PREFIX="whatever
> found in /etc/fpc.cfg" ' would be a solution.
So that would basically be an upgrade of the existing systemwide
compiler, right? At first glance, I think I'd be very hesitant to do
that as it will conflict with the distro's package manager.
Of course, we're all developers, so we can deal with any problems,
right.... ;)

Thanks for the feedback,

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