[fpc-pascal] FPCDocs: diff: saving fpdoc gives huge diff

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Thu Feb 9 00:56:51 CET 2012

On Wed, 8 Feb 2012 16:03:05 +0100
Mattias Gaertner <nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de> wrote:

> Of course it would be nicer if the used xml readers/writers can be told
> to keep the spaces. Especially for version control systems.
> I will take a look.

The xml reader/writer used by the fpdoc editor now preserve the
attribute order and have options to preserve white spacing.
This means the fpdoc editor now only changes the edited element and
keeps the rest.

There are still some whitespace issues about the edited element.


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