[fpc-pascal] fpc 2.6.0 for arm-embedded

Koenraad Lelong fpascal at brouwerij.homelinux.net
Mon Feb 6 14:27:20 CET 2012

On 06-02-12 10:04, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> For a much easier cross-compiling experience, try using Paul
> Breneman's downloads. He has packages the FPC arm cross-compiler is a
> very small archive. Simply unzip and run - and it works no problems.
> As a bonus, he also includes fpGUI (for GUI development) with his
> cross-compiler archives.
>    http://www.turbocontrol.com/easyfpgui.htm

I downloaded that package, and I tried it on my x86_64 Ubuntu-laptop. 
ppcarm can't be executed, "file ppcarm" shows this :
ppcarm: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1, statically linked, 
AFAIK this means it's a binary to run on an arm-system, so it's not a 
crosscompiler and I do not have an arm-system at hand that can run a 

I think there is some misunderstanding. What I'm trying to do is make 
software for an embedded system. There is no OS. The controller I'm 
targetting has 128K of flash-rom and 8K of RAM.

I do have a working crosscompiler (I think), only I have to call it via 
/usr/lib/fpc/2.6.0/ppcrossarm ..., instead of via fpc ...
The code seems not to work, but that could be my own RTL, which I copied 
from SMT32F103RE. I'm working on that.


Koenraad Lelong.

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