[fpc-pascal] Basically on the right track?

Patrick patrick at spellingbeewinnars.org
Fri Dec 28 22:53:39 CET 2012

> Could you try to compile the example using "-st" and then run the 
> generated ppas.sh script and report it's output here? I hope to get 
> more error information from the linker this way...
> Regards,
> Sven
> _______________________________________________
> fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal at lists.freepascal.org
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Hi again Sven

I am going to switch over to Mint right now. If I don't respond it's 
because I screwed my email !

Ah ! the liblua.a file was there at the start and then after make clean, 
make it was not. Thanks !

I tried the  -st switch but a script was not generated. I have the 
results below but don't worry too much about it, I am going to start 
fresh again


:fpc -st helloworld.pas
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.6.0 [2012/08/24] for x86_64
Copyright (c) 1993-2011 by Florian Klaempfl and others
Target OS: Linux for x86-64
Compiling helloworld.pas
helloworld.pas(28,11) Error: Incompatible types: got "Boolean32" 
expected "LongInt"
helloworld.pas(96) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
Fatal: Compilation aborted
Error: /usr/bin/ppcx64 returned an error exitcode (normal if you did not 
specify a source file to be compiled)

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