[fpc-pascal] Re: linux: shouldwehard-codeversionedorunversioned shared libraries in our apps?

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Thu Aug 16 14:26:43 CEST 2012

In our previous episode, Ludo Brands said:
> > > of TIBConnection, non of these difficulties would exist.
> > 
> > Documentation is a different story.
> It is a different story but an integral part of this particular problem. Why
> else has the "solution" to be spelled out everytime the problem pops up?
> You'll say people don't make the effort to read old messages. But in this
> thread alone you'll find a "InitializeInterbase" and a "Did you try
> ibase60dyn.initializeibase60('whatever.so'); in your dpr ?" in messages from
> people that are supposed to be references. Both functions don't exist... 

That is the whole point of these discussions. They are heated and overfocus
on some detail that is considered all inhibiting, and they compare detail
problems of the current implementation with a future implementation that is 
perfect on paper. (and of course it never is).

If you want documentation, write documentation, don't discuss change

> > This is all IIRC, it was some time ago. I think mysql users 
> > are more familiar with these problems :-)
> > 
> Correct but I fail to see the relation to the subject at hand: the library
> being used.

If drastic changes (like postponing header initialization till larger parts
of the LCL are in the air) must be made, I rather fix all issues.

Anyway, the crucial question still hasn't been answered, does sqldb/lazarus
have designtime database connections like Delphi/zeos has?

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