[fpc-pascal] Re: linux: shouldwehard-codeversionedorunversioned shared libraries in our apps?

Ludo Brands ludo.brands at free.fr
Thu Aug 16 12:43:53 CEST 2012

> > Unfortunately your example illustrates nicely the difference. 
> > InitializeInterbase is unknown in the fpc I'm using. 
> InitialiseIBase60 
> > does exist but you have to add the non-trivial ibase60dyn 
> to the uses 
> > clause to get to it (Google has 146 hits for 
> "InitialiseIBase60", non 
> > of the hits are documentation or wiki pages). If it where a 
> property 
> > of TIBConnection, non of these difficulties would exist.
> Documentation is a different story.

It is a different story but an integral part of this particular problem. Why
else has the "solution" to be spelled out everytime the problem pops up?
You'll say people don't make the effort to read old messages. But in this
thread alone you'll find a "InitializeInterbase" and a "Did you try
ibase60dyn.initializeibase60('whatever.so'); in your dpr ?" in messages from
people that are supposed to be references. Both functions don't exist... 

> Zeos' dbconnection is not database dependent. The database 
> dependency is provided by adapter interfaces that are 
> separately registered. Schemes like this could make a 
> database type (and version) possible by merely adding an unit 
> which registers some new datatype.

That is very similar to TSQLConnector in sqldb and exactly how the mssql
connections were introduced, before TMSSQLConnection and TSybaseConnection
were implemented. 

> This avoids a potential problem with sqldb (deleteing 
> connection, adding
> new) forces you to reconnect all queries with the new 
> connection.  This can be monkeyed around with lfm editing, 
> but that is not "nice".
> This is all IIRC, it was some time ago. I think mysql users 
> are more familiar with these problems :-)

Correct but I fail to see the relation to the subject at hand: the library
being used.

> > MDO (TMDODataBase.ClientLib), Delphi's DBExpress 
> > (TSQLConnection.VendorLib).  They have all this useless component 
> > property to specify a project wide library.
> It might be because of the above designtime requirement. I 
> don't know how much sqldb supports there.


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