[fpc-pascal] using functions from units & main programme

John Lee johnelee0 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 18 18:05:01 CET 2011

Thanks for the fix, but it makes the code a bit more complicated than I'd
hoped/thought based on my (over simple?) impression that local fns are used
in place of those in units. John

On 18 November 2011 16:55, Sven Barth <pascaldragon at googlemail.com> wrote:

> Am 18.11.2011 17:47, schrieb John Lee:
>  Sorry for confusion, my email wasn't clear...
>> old fpc version, that I have to use because of availability of various
>> units...Free Pascal Compiler version 2.2.2 [2008/08/03] for i386
>> this is jim.pp---
>> unit jim;
>> interface
>>  function fna:string;
>>  function fnb:string;
>> implementation
>> function fna:string;
>> begin
>>  fna:='jim';
>> end;
>> function fnb:string;
>> begin
>>  fnb:=fna;
>> end;
>> end.
>> this is fred.pp---
>> uses jim;
>> function fna:string;
>> begin
>>  fna:='fred';
>> end;
>> begin
>>  writeln(fnb);
>> end.
>> This writeln gives jim, ie the version in jim - I'd like it to be fred &
>> thought that it would! What can I do please, to _force_ fnb to use the
>> fred version of fna?
> As I said per se this is expected, because the "jnb" in "jim" only knows
> about the "jna" in "jim", but not about the "jna" in your main program.
> Possible solution:
> Extend your unit "jim" the following way (this is the "function variable"
> approach I mentioned):
> === unit jim begin ===
> unit jim;
> interface
> type
>  TStringFunc = function: String;
> function fna: String;
> function fnb(aFunc: TStringFunc = Nil): String;
> implementation
> function fna: String;
> begin
>  fna := 'jim';
> end;
> function fnb(aFunc: TStringFunc): String;
> begin
>  if Assigned(aFunc) then
>    fnb := aFunc
>  else
>    fnb := fna;
> end;
> end.
> === unit jim end ===
> And your main program will then look like this:
> === main program begin ===
> uses jim;
> function fna: String;
> begin
>  fna := 'fred';
> end;
> begin
>  writeln(fnb(@fna)); // will print "fred"
>  writeln(fnb); // will print "jim"
> end.
> === main program end ===
> For further information about procedure/function variables I refer you to
> the documentation: http://www.freepascal.org/**docs-html/ref/refse17.html#
> **x45-520003.6<http://www.freepascal.org/docs-html/ref/refse17.html#x45-520003.6>
> Of course you are free to ask further questions if you need help on this
> or another topic. ;)
> Regards,
> Sven
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