[fpc-pascal] JSON - RTTI streaming.

Stephane Carre scarre.lu at gmail.com
Fri Nov 18 15:30:23 CET 2011

Thank you Michael.
I checked before in the fpc source 2.4.4 download available from 
sourceforge, but could not find testcomps anywhere.
The version you attached does not contain TVariantComponent. Is that a 
newer, or older version than the one that should match fpc 2.4.4 ? 
Otherwise I guess I can adapt the missing pieces.
Best regards,

On 18/11/2011 13:17, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> It is attached.
> It is committed, but probably not where you expected it :-)
> Michael.
> On Fri, 18 Nov 2011, Stephane Carre wrote:
>> Hello Michael,
>> I have not received any e-mail with the testcomps unit.
>> Can you please make sure you send it to me ?
>> Thanks for your time !
>> Regards,
>> Stephane Carre
>> On 17/11/2011 09:16, michael.vancanneyt at wisa.be wrote:
>>> On Wed, 16 Nov 2011, Stephane Carre wrote:
>>>> Hello Michael,
>>>> In the current stable release (fpc 2.4.4) the unit tests for 
>>>> fpjsonrtti fail to compile because unit testcomps is missing.
>>>> I believe this is the unit with the test classes used for the 
>>>> destreamer tests.
>>>> Where can I find this unit ?
>>> I probably forgot to commit it. I will send it to you tonight.
>>> Michael.
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