[fpc-pascal] ioda joda fulltext search not working

noreply at z505.com noreply at z505.com
Sat Nov 12 04:44:21 CET 2011

> On Wed, 9 Nov 2011, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
>> On 9 November 2011 10:40,  <michael.vancanneyt at .....> wrote:
>>> It definitely works, I also use it in a commercial project to implement
>>> full-text-search on a firebird database.
>> Now that would be pretty awesome! :)
> It is.
> When I showed it to the customers, they were very impressed :-)
> (considering their question was 'we want to do like google search but
> on the database')

I was reading recently that MySQL has fulltext on InnoDB built in.. don't
know much about it but I came across that recently while googling.
Firebird has no fulltext built in to it I guess, eh?

Also does the Ioda Joda have positions of your search words found? Or it
just weighs the results and throws away any positions of the words. I.e.
if the first instance of "searchterm" was found, does it record that
position, or just throwaway position info?  I was thinking of using it
like google too, but having the positions of the search terms in the
document would help to give a preview of the text like google. Or is there
some other way joda does this? You could just parse the entire document
without using Joda for that (separate utility) and use joda for the
weighting only, but I wondered if joda had something built in to memorize
where the search terms were located in the document.

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