[fpc-pascal] Premature end of headers using fcl-web and POST

Ludo Brands ludo.brands at free.fr
Tue Nov 1 09:40:03 CET 2011

> On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 9:04 AM, Ludo Brands 
> <ludo.brands at free.fr> wrote:
> > Note the "per the HTML specs". HTTP specs aren't that strict.
> But what exaxtly do these specs ban? Because I am sending via 
> XMLHttpRequest in JavaScript, and there you can specify any 
> mime-type that you want. You can send any data and I haven't 
> seen any restriction related to the mime-type so far. 
> Probably this restrictions don't apply to JavaScript but only 
> to form data and things like that (purely in HTML)?

Yes. The HTML spec defines the use of these 2 MIME types for a user agent
uploading a form. XMLHttpRequest, as the name indicates, isn't limited to

> Not to mention that a CGI application can also communicate 
> with native clients, not only HTML pages, and the native 
> client is not subject to HTML rules.

There are plenty of applications using http as a communication channel and
that have nothing to do with html.


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