[fpc-pascal] Javascript in Desktop Applications

Benjamin Rosseaux benjamin at rosseaux.de
Wed Feb 16 12:13:58 CET 2011

Am 07.02.2011 15:16, schrieb Andrew Brunner:
> On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 7:35 AM,<michael.vancanneyt at wisa.be>  wrote:
>> A cross-platform solution is to use one of libsee or BESEN.
>> The latter is implemented in 100% native Object Pascal.
>> Michael.
> BESEN is very, very, very  well written but I can't seem to get any
> indication how to use it in my project.  I would love FPC to include a
> JIT system for JS or Pascal.  IMO, FPC absolutely needs a scripting
> FCL going forward.  BESEN seems like the right guy for the job, but I
> suspect he's burned out :-(  I think he had memory concerns too.
> Does anyone have any BESEN examples that integrated actual FPC units?
> It seems like all the samle js units are self contained with no
> interface to system or GUI units.
> Including JS support on my project would enable people to leverage
> exiting "proven" technologies which would make for easier/allowable
> for adoption in working groups / houses where selection of language is
> restricted to language of the day :-)  Taking this statment and
> applying this across the board, it would be an easier sell for
> adoption of FPC/Lazarus with JIT support.  Personally, I'm thinking
> along the lines of Web RAD down the road...
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Have you looked at the BESENShell.dpr/BESENShell.lpr? Because that 
contains the most important part, how you can integrate own API stuff. 
And the last commit to the BESEN SVN was just a few days ago with a few 
weeks pause, because I've found no bugs and got no bugreports in that time.

Benjamin 'BeRo' Rosseaux

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