[fpc-pascal] Why is Random(255) some 529x slower compared to Delphi 7?

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Thu Dec 8 09:11:52 CET 2011

On 8 December 2011 10:04, Marco van de Voort  wrote:
> It's a strange case where people are advocating the introduction of a slower
> "manager" to improve the speed of random :-)

It's called an acceptable compromise, by those that use it most.

Just like FPC doesn't do micro code optimizations on each and every
platform. The FPC performance [see Martin Schriebers annual posts
about FPC speed vs Delphi 7] hit is a compromise for easier
maintainability of source code. A simple trade-off.

The Maths unit is known for more advanced math and statistical
features. A strong random number generator seem a good fit for that

  - Graeme -

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