[fpc-pascal] Re: RE : RE : RE : Assigningvalue toftVariantdatatype& varbytes-still stuck

Reinier Olislagers reinierolislagers at gmail.com
Sun Aug 14 17:42:31 CEST 2011

On 14-8-2011 16:30, Ludo Brands wrote:
>> In our previous episode, Ludo Brands said:
>>> Sorry mate. No reaction. Everybody seems to be happy with 
>> the current 
>>> implementation. Under these circumstances, I'm not going to 
>> spend any 
>>> time on creating a patch that makes a, minor, change to the 
>> interface 
>>> when other, less intrusive, patches for fcl-db are sitting 
>> in mantis 
>>> for months/years without being merged.
>> Your remarks really hurt my motivation to look at those 
>> bugreports at all. That and the fact that I spent a holiday 
>> week closing quite some goes unnoticed.
> Marco, all my excuses if you felt my message suggested I was pointing in
> your direction. I wasn't. I'm a little surprised by you taking this
> personnally since most of the patches I personnaly submitted and that you
> dealt with where comitted quickly. And, you don't have to believe me, but I
> did notice your great efforts last weeks working and catching up on older
> and new issues. 
> What did trigger my reaction are examples like this:
> http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=19902 a patch contributed recently to
> implement ODBC transactions while this patch
> http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=14944 was submitted in 2009 for the
> same but never committed. 
Marco & Ludo,

Just wanted to say thanks for answering my questions, helping with
testing and coding of my export code, the bufdataset patch and, Marco,
closing a lot of patches (yes, I noticed, too).
It has really helped improve my knowledge and I think improved the XML
export code as well, which is almost (warning: developer's estimate!)
ready for testing and then submission as a new patch for FPC.

I noticed the ODBC transaction patches too and it seems a shame.
However, it does take experienced people with an overview of the code to
review & commit patches, so I can understand these things do happen -
nobody is getting paid to work on FPC I suppose.


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