how to install ? [Re: [fpc-pascal] fpGUI Toolkit v0.7-rc2 for FPC 2.4]

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at
Thu May 6 16:19:14 CEST 2010

Martin het geskryf:
> All fine and good,
> But I couldn't even find out how to install it.
> Nothing on the webpage. There is an INSTALL.TXT, it says change into 
> src, and run build.bat (for windows)
> I did that 9yes fpc (2.5.1) in path.
> I get some output that it compiles something, but no exe is created.
> so how to I get some fpgui.exe?


fpGUI is a toolkit not an application. You followed the instructions to
compile the toolkit, so you should have the compiled units in

If you read the INSTALL.TXT file further you would have seen at the bottom
instructions on how to compile the demos from the command line. This
applies to the fpGUI UI Designer and DocView as well. The format is always
as follows:
   fpc @extrafpc.cfg <program_unit>

   cd <fpgui>\uidesigner
   fpc @extrafpc.cfg uidesigner.lpr

Alternatively, you can used Lazarus IDE, and simply open the
fpgui_toolkit.lpk file located at:

This will allow Lazarus IDE to find the fpGUI source code. Then simply open
any example project via the standard *.lpi files and press Ctrl+F9

All this information is in the readme.txt file in the docs directory.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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