[fpc-pascal] Error: Illegal qualifier in converting Delphi unit
Howard Page-Clark
hdpc at talktalk.net
Mon Mar 15 08:39:27 CET 2010
On 14/3/10 11:52, Frank Church wrote:
> Your suggestion worked - what is the secret?
> Does the array[0..0 have some relevance here?]
> On 14 March 2010 23:01, Howard Page-Clark<hdpc at talktalk.net> wrote:
>> On 14/3/10 6:11, Frank Church wrote:
>>> Hi guys,
>>> I am trying to compile the TVersionInfo component by Anders Melander
>>> at http://melander.dk/articles/versioninfo/.
>>> It defines the structure below
>>> type
>>> TTranslationRec = packed record
>>> case Integer of
>>> 0: (
>>> LanguageID: WORD;
>>> CharsetID: WORD);
>>> 1: (
>>> TranslationID: DWORD);
>>> end;
>>> PTranslationRec = ^TTranslationRec;
>>> TTranslationTable = array[0..0] of TTranslationRec;
>>> PTranslationTable = ^TTranslationTable;
>>> which causes the compiler error
>>> VersionInfo.pas(141,37) Error: Illegal qualifier
>>> function TVersionInfo.GetCharset(Index: integer): WORD;
>>> begin
>>> Result := TranslationTable[Index].CharsetID;
>>> end;
>>> Is there a way to convert for Free Pascal compatibility?
>> try:
>> result := TranslationTable[Index]^.CharsetID
>> Howard
No secret - just that fpc requires stricter syntax than Delphi, even in
{$mode Delphi}. The property TranslationTable is an array property
declared as a pointer (PTranslationTable), so has to be dereferenced
before its members can be accessed. It would have helped if the code's
author had named the property PTranslationTable to highlight that fact,
because the name hides its pointer character.
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