[fpc-pascal] Pascal dialect -- was: Re: fpc-pascal Digest, Vol 72, Issue 12

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Fri Jun 4 13:06:31 CEST 2010

Op 2010-06-04 12:54, spir het geskryf:
> (including choices of non-implementation), so why not having already
> made the step of declaring fpc a (object) Pascal dialect of its own?

I agree 100%.   It was all good and well (in the beginning) to try and be a
Delphi clone, but now it makes no real sense to me. FPC (or Lazarus IDE or
Lazarus LCL) will never, ever be 100% compatible with Delphi. You will also
never be able to simply swap out delphi and replace it with FPC and
recompile. Developers will always have to go through a porting process - a
fact of life. And if FPC's only goal is to be a Delphi clone, then soon
they are going to be out of business - why? Because Embarcadero is already
working on a cross-platform compiler (the biggest advantage FPC has(had)
over Delphi) and a 64-bit compiler.  Embedded systems will be the only
advantage FPC then has over Delphi - and this is a small percentage of FPC

But we all know, many others will disagree with us - saying that staying a
clone and always one step behind is good.  :)

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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