[fpc-pascal] Pointers

Rainer Stratmann RainerStratmann at t-online.de
Thu Feb 11 16:38:30 CET 2010

What is the difference between A* and B*?
regards, Rainer

 tchararr = array[ 0..999 ] of char;
 pchararr = ^tchararr;
 http_obj = object
  pdata            : pchararr;     
  header_anz        : longint;
  content_anz       : longint;

 http : http_obj;
 ppp : pointer;

 // This works for me A*
 ppp := http.pdata;
 ppp := ppp + http.header_anz;
 // This is not working B*
 ppp := http.pdata + http.header_anz;

 write( 'IP-Adress = ' + parse_ip( ppp , http.content_anz ) );

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