[fpc-pascal] fpdoc <link> tag syntax question

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Tue Aug 10 15:39:11 CEST 2010

Op 2010-08-10 14:37, Michael Van Canneyt het geskryf:
> In one package, <unit_name>.<identifier> should be enough in the description text.
> In 'short' tags, however, something goes wrong when creating TOC pages that
> use this tag, and the resolving goes wrong; so there 
> #<package_name>.<unit_name>.<identifier>
> is needed.

I can confirm that this bug occurs in the <descr> tag as well, and happens
in both the New IPF and LaTeX output writers. So it's not an IPF output
writer issue.

------------[ fpg_main.xml ]-------------------------------
<element name="fpgColorToRGB">
  <short>Convert a color to RGB values of that color</short>
  <descr><printshort id="fpgColorToRGB"/>. Not all <link
id="fpg_base.TfpgColor">TfpgColor</link> values are in RGB format. For
example you are "named" colors too. eg: clWindowBackground</descr>

--------------[ fpgui.latex ]-----------------------
% fpgColorToRGB
Convert a color to RGB values of that color\Declaration

function fpgColorToRGB(col: TfpgColor) : TfpgColor
Convert a color to RGB values of that color. Not all TfpgColor
(\pageref{fpgui:fpgmain}) values are in RGB format. For example you are
"named" colors too. eg: clWindowBackground\end{FPCList}
% fpgDeleteFirstMessage

As you can see the \pageref is trying to referencing TfpgColor in
fpgui.fpgmain when in fact it is defined in fpg_base.pas

Adding the #fpgui. to the front of the link in the XML file, then it
generates the correct \pageref link.

% fpgColorToRGB
Convert a color to RGB values of that color\Declaration

function fpgColorToRGB(col: TfpgColor) : TfpgColor
Convert a color to RGB values of that color. Not all TfpgColor
(\pageref{fpgui:fpgbase:tfpgcolor}) values are in RGB format. For example
you are "named" colors too. eg: clWindowBackground\end{FPCList}
% fpgDeleteFirstMessage


I'll report this in Mantis.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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