[fpc-pascal] fpc and Sqlite UDF

Luiz Americo Pereira Camara luizmed at oi.com.br
Fri Nov 6 19:50:18 CET 2009

Ivo Steinmann escreveu:
> Nataraj S Narayan schrieb:
>> Luiz
>> Got it compiled for arm after putting libsqlite in proper path. 
>> Getting this:-
>> # ./testfunction
>> ./testfunction: can't resolve symbol 'dl_iterate_phdr'
> hi luiz
> I translated the sqlite3 headers, but never tested them on arm. Maybe 
> I can help, but I need more information or some arm emulator with os.

I looked at the header and could not find any reason to not work. Seems 
something specific for arm-linux

@Nataraj: What component are you using to access sqlite? SqlDB or 
Sqliteds? The later uses the static header while the former the dynamic one


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