[fpc-pascal] fpc and Sqlite UDF

Ivo Steinmann ivo_steinmann at gmx.net
Fri Nov 6 19:15:20 CET 2009

Nataraj S Narayan schrieb:
> Luiz
> Got it compiled for arm after putting libsqlite in proper path. Getting this:-
> # ./testfunction
> ./testfunction: can't resolve symbol 'dl_iterate_phdr'
> BTW, this function should be compiled to a lib.so  first? Then call it
> in a trigger ?
> regards
> Nataraj
> On Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 2:59 PM, Luiz Americo Pereira Camara
> <luizmed at oi.com.br> wrote:
>> Nataraj S Narayan escreveu:
>>> Hi  Luiz
>>> Getting this:-
>>>  /software/fpc-uclibc/lib/fpc/2.5.1/ppcrossarm -MObjFPC -TLinux
>>> -Parmv5 -gl -Xd -Xs -l -darm -XParm-linux-uclibcgnueabi- -CfSOFT
>>> -CaEABI -darm -gl -O- -CpARMV5  -uUSE_LOCALIZE
>>> -Fu/software/fpc-arm/units/arm-linux/ testfunction.pas
>>> Free Pascal Compiler version 2.5.1 [2009/10/23] for arm
>>> Copyright (c) 1993-2009 by Florian Klaempfl
>>> Target OS: Linux for ARM
>>> Compiling testfunction.pas
>>> testfunction.pas(25,66) Error: Identifier not found "sqlite3_value_int"
>>> testfunction.pas(42,21) Error: Identifier not found "sqlite3_result_int"
>>> testfunction.pas(59,23) Error: Identifier not found "sqlite3_result_int"
>>> testfunction.pas(62,25) Error: Identifier not found "sqlite3_result_int"
>>> testfunction.pas(65,27) Error: Identifier not found "sqlite3_result_int"
>>> testfunction.pas(124) Fatal: There were 5 errors compiling module,
>>> stopping
>>> Fatal: Compilation aborted
>>> Any Sqlite version problem?
>>> On SQLite version 3.4.2
>> It's compiling here both with fpc224 and 251 but for win32.
>> It seems a problem in the sqlite3 header for arm
>> Luiz
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hi luiz

I translated the sqlite3 headers, but never tested them on arm. Maybe I 
can help, but I need more information or some arm emulator with os.

-Ivo Steinmann

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