[fpc-pascal] Creating FPC enabled websites

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Wed Mar 4 10:14:55 CET 2009

Joost van der Sluis wrote on wo, 04 mrt 2009:

> Now imagine that all efforts that has been put in developing ajax-like
> technologies were put in building a good web-based distribution system.
> something like: "click here to run this program on your desktop" and
> then build a safe environment on the desktop to run the application and
> add it to the menu if the user want so he can start it again.

Google did that with their Google Native Client:  

Anyway, I think this discussion has become more suited to fpc-other  
than fpc-pascal, so I'd like to ask everyone to follow up there when  
discussing about "web-apps are good or evil". Questions/answers about  
implementing web-apps in FPC can of course remain here.


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