[fpc-pascal] Creating FPC enabled websites

Andrew Brunner andrew.t.brunner at gmail.com
Tue Mar 3 21:50:56 CET 2009

On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 2:44 PM, Joost van der Sluis <joost at cnoc.nl> wrote:
> If users use the application constantly, don't use a web-application.
> So the things explained in this document from IBM is usefull for very
> large systems which a lot of users (Like Amazon, but they also don't
> like the idea of a full-blown javascript application) or some idiots who
> do things in a web-application while they shoudn't.
> Joost.

I disagree. I think a migration to web based software development
offers many benefits over desktop software.  Instant deployment, and
Object Orientated JS via ProtoType is completely doable.  And if you
find bugs or memory leaks I'm sure they'll get worked out in the next

I've done some awesome Realtime Apps with my custom Information Server
(built in Dephi) for the backend, and HTML/CSS/JS for the front.

Let's not forget the promise of Cloud Computing and its benefits as well.

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