[fpc-pascal] Creating FPC enabled websites

Joost van der Sluis joost at cnoc.nl
Tue Mar 3 21:44:01 CET 2009

Op dinsdag 03-03-2009 om 12:30 uur [tijdzone -0600], schreef Prince

> Primarily the reason why is -- especially for DB web applications --
> is efficiency, maintainability, and scalability. The recent major
> efforts by Mozilla, Google, and others to improve the performance of
> browser Javascript engines is due to their experience designing,
> writing and running CGI based web applications. There is quite a bit
> of literature and discussion on the web explaining why they are using
> REST versus CGI (Request/Response)  which you might find helpful in
> making your design choices. 

All those parties have a interest in trying to get as much as people
using web-aplications. 

But the key point in this is that people forget that javascript-programs
are not meant to replace a full-blown desktopapplication.

What they say, in fact, is that building web-applications on the server
side isn't a good idea. (They promoted it for years, and finally they
have come to the insight that it doesn't work) So now they suggest to
build a client-side web-application.

But the question they forget is: why would you want a web-application in
that case anyway?!?!

Use a db-server and a desktop-application and all your problems are

It's all so narrow-minded. If you have as a rule "thou shall develop
web-based" all these things become important. 

Web-based applications are usefull when you have users who only use your
website now and then. In that case it does't matter much if one session
takes some time on the server - unless you are google, offcourse. (But
also large community-sites now are releasing desktop-clients)

If users use the application constantly, don't use a web-application.

So the things explained in this document from IBM is usefull for very
large systems which a lot of users (Like Amazon, but they also don't
like the idea of a full-blown javascript application) or some idiots who
do things in a web-application while they shoudn't.


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