[fpc-pascal] sparse matrix storage method

Tom Verhoeff T.Verhoeff at tue.nl
Tue Jun 9 13:23:07 CEST 2009

On Mon, Jun 08, 2009 at 03:28:50PM -0400, Alain Michaud wrote:
>    would someone know of a procedure for solving a system of linear  
> equations using a SPARSE MATRIX storage model.
> if one uses the usual: array [1..10000;1..10000] of "mostly_zeroes" then  
> this is a really big waist of memory.
> I am thinking of using: Tlist instead, but I would not like to reinvent  
> the wheel!  I would apreciate if someone could give me a tip.


I have attached a program (matrix.pas) to compare a full matrix against
a sparse matrix implementation (using singly linked lists with pointers)
for multiplication time.  The surprising thing for me was that (back then
in 1995), the turnover point is at about 75% of nonzero (i.e. 25% zero)
elements (see mat-out.txt).  This was actually a programming assignment
for our second-year students.

Note, however, that compring storage needs to be done carefully
because of the overhead in pointers and indexes.

The program is written in Turbo Pascal, but it should not be hard
to run it using FPC.

Best regards,

E-MAIL: T.Verhoeff @ TUE.NL     | Dept. of Math. & Comp. Science
PHONE:  +31 40 247 41 25        | Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
FAX:    +31 40 247 54 04        | PO Box 513, NL-5600 MB Eindhoven
http://www.win.tue.nl/~wstomv/  | The Netherlands
-------------- next part --------------
Random Matrix2 a2:
   .       0.08908   .       0.37243
   .        .       0.12135   .     
   .        .       0.78422   .     
   .       0.19221   .        .     

Random Matrix1 a1 = a2:
  0.00000  0.08908  0.00000  0.37243
  0.00000  0.00000  0.12135  0.00000
  0.00000  0.00000  0.78422  0.00000
  0.00000  0.19221  0.00000  0.00000

b1 = a1 * a1:
  0.00000  0.07159  0.01081  0.00000
  0.00000  0.00000  0.09516  0.00000
  0.00000  0.00000  0.61501  0.00000
  0.00000  0.00000  0.02332  0.00000

b2 = a2 * a2:
   .       0.07159  0.01081   .     
   .        .       0.09516   .     
   .        .       0.61501   .     
   .        .       0.02332   .     

Multiplication of random 100 x 100 Matrix1
  % nonzero     time in s
  ---------     ---------
     0.00          3.30
    20.00          3.63
    40.00          4.29
    60.00          5.49
    80.00          7.19
   100.00          9.39

Multiplication of random 100 x 100 Matrix2
  % nonzero     time in s
  ---------     ---------
     0.00          0.00
    20.00          0.71
    40.00          2.31
    60.00          4.45
    80.00          7.58
   100.00         11.26

Search turnover between 0.00% and 100.00%
Fraction = 50.00%, Mult2 takes 3.25s, Mult1 takes 4.83s
Turnover between 25.00% and 100.00%
Fraction = 62.50%, Mult2 takes 4.84s, Mult1 takes 5.71s
Turnover between 43.75% and 100.00%
Fraction = 71.88%, Mult2 takes 6.21s, Mult1 takes 6.48s
Turnover between 57.81% and 100.00%
Fraction = 78.91%, Mult2 takes 7.31s, Mult1 takes 7.14s
Turnover between 57.81% and 89.45%
Fraction = 73.63%, Mult2 takes 6.37s, Mult1 takes 6.59s
Turnover between 65.72% and 89.45%
Fraction = 77.59%, Mult2 takes 7.04s, Mult1 takes 6.92s
Turnover between 65.72% and 83.52%
Fraction = 74.62%, Mult2 takes 6.54s, Mult1 takes 6.70s
Turnover between 70.17% and 83.52%
Fraction = 76.85%, Mult2 takes 7.03s, Mult1 takes 6.92s
Turnover between 70.17% and 80.18%
Fraction = 75.18%, Mult2 takes 6.59s, Mult1 takes 6.70s
Turnover between 72.67% and 80.18%
Fraction = 76.43%, Mult2 takes 6.81s, Mult1 takes 6.81s
Turnover between 72.67% and 78.31%
Fraction = 75.49%, Mult2 takes 6.76s, Mult1 takes 6.81s
Turnover between 74.08% and 78.31%
-------------- next part --------------
program MatrixMultCompare;
{ Tom Verhoeff, Eindhoven University of Technology, Dept. of Math/CS,
  October 1995, Version 2.0 }

{ Purpose: Compare two implementations of (sparse) matrix type, especially
  w.r.t. multiplication time }

uses Timers;

  EntryType = real;

  Zero: EntryType = 0.0;

  MaxN = 100; { SizeOf(EntryType) * sqr(MaxN) <= 64 KB, i.e. MaxN < 105 }

  N: 0..MaxN;

  Index = 0..MaxN-1; { intended 0..N-1 }

  Vector1 = array [Index] of EntryType;
  Matrix1 = array [Index] of Vector1;
  Matrix1P = ^Matrix1; { too overcome Turbo Pascal size limitation }

  Vector2 = ^Vector2Rec;
  Vector2Rec = record
    vix: Index; { N.B. it is not necessary to introduce upperbound here }
    val: EntryType;
    vnext: Vector2;
  { Vector2.v ==  v --vnext-> nil  /\  increasing in vix  /\  val <> Zero }
  { [[v]].i = "if v --vnext-> w /\ w^.vix = i then w^.val else Zero"
      for 0 <= i < N }

  Matrix2 = ^Matrix2Rec;
  Matrix2Rec = record
    mix: Index;
    vec: Vector2;
    mnext: Matrix2;
  { Matrix2.m ==  m --mnext-> nil  /\  sorted on mix  /\  vec <> nil }
  { [[v]].i = "if m --mnext-> p /\ p^.mix = i then [[p^.vec]]
               else Zero-vector"  for 0 <= i < N }

  Fraction = real; { Fraction.a = 0 <= a <= 1 }

procedure WriteEntry(e: EntryType);
  end; { WriteEntry }

procedure WriteZero;
  write('.':4, ' ':5)
  end; { WriteZero }

procedure WriteZeroVec2;
  end; { WriteZeroVec2 }

procedure WriteMatrix1(const a: Matrix1);
  var i, j: Index;
  for i := 0 to N-1 do begin
    for j := 0 to N-1 do WriteEntry(a[i, j]) ;
    end { for i }
  end; { WriteMatrix1 }

procedure WriteVector2(u: Vector2);
  var j: Index;
  for j := 0 to N-1 do
    if u = nil then WriteZero
    else with u^ do
      if vix = j then begin
        write(val:9:5) ;
        u := vnext
        end { then }
      else WriteZero ;
  end; { WriteVector2 }

procedure WriteMatrix2(a: Matrix2);
  var i: Index;
  for i := 0 to N-1 do
    if a = nil then WriteZeroVec2
    else with a^ do
      if mix = i then begin
        WriteVector2(vec) ;
        a := mnext
        end { then }
      else WriteZeroVec2
  end; { WriteMatrix2 }

procedure NewVector2(var v: Vector2; ix: Index; x: EntryType; next: Vector2);
{ pre: [[next]] = V /\ (A i: i<ix: V.i = Zero) ;
  post: [[v]].i = if i = ix then x else V.i }
  if x <> Zero then begin
    new(v) ;
    with v^ do begin
      vix := ix ;
      val := x ;
      vnext := next
      end { with }
    end { if }
  end; { NewVector2 }

procedure NewMatrix2(var a: Matrix2; ix: Index; v: Vector2; next: Matrix2);
{ pre: [[next]] = A /\ (A i: i<ix: A.i = 0-vector) /\ [[v]] = V ;
  post: [[a]].i = if i = ix then V else A.i }
  if v <> nil then begin
    new(a) ;
    with a^ do begin
      mix := ix ;
      vec := v ;
      mnext := next
      end { with }
    end { if }
  end; { NewMatrix2 }

procedure RandomMatrix1(var a: Matrix1; f: Fraction);
{ pre: true ; post: [[a]] = random N x N matrix with fraction f nonzeroes }
  var i, j: Index;
  for i := 0 to N-1 do
    for j := 0 to N-1 do
      if Random < f then a[i, j] := Random else a[i, j] := 0
  end; { RandomMatrix1 }

procedure RandomMatrix2(var a: Matrix2; f: Fraction);
{ pre: true ; post: [[a]] = random N x N matrix with fraction f nonzeroes }
  var i, j: Index; u: Vector2;
  a := nil ;
  for i := N-1 downto 0 do begin
    u := nil ;
    for j := N-1 downto 0 do
      if Random < f then
        NewVector2(u, j, Random, u) ;
    NewMatrix2(a, i, u, a)
    end { for i }
  end; { RandomMatrix2 }

procedure Vector2ToVector1(u: Vector2; var v: Vector1);
{ pre: [[u]] = U ; post: [[v]] = U }
  var j: Index;
  for j := 0 to N-1 do begin
    v[j] := Zero ;
    if u <> nil then
      with u^ do
        if vix = j then begin
          v[j] := val ;
          u := vnext
          end { if }
    end { for j }
  end; { Vector2ToVector1 }

procedure Matrix2ToMatrix1(a: Matrix2; var b: Matrix1);
{ pre: [[a]] = A ; post: [[b]] = A }
  var i: Index;
  for i := 0 to N-1 do
    if a = nil then Vector2ToVector1(nil, b[i])
    else with a^ do
      if mix = i then begin
        Vector2ToVector1(vec, b[i]) ;
        a := mnext
        end { then }
      else Vector2ToVector1(nil, b[i])
  end; { Matrix2ToMatrix1 }

procedure Matrix1ToMatrix2(const a: Matrix1; var b: Matrix2);
{ pre: [[a]] = A ; post: "b is fresh" /\ [[b]] = A }
  var i, j: Index; u: Vector2;
  b := nil ;
  for i := N-1 downto 0 do begin
    u := nil ;
    for j := N-1 downto 0 do
      NewVector2(u, j, a[i, j], u) ;
    NewMatrix2(b, i, u, b)
    end { for i }
  end; { Matrix1ToMatrix2 }

procedure Vector1Mult(const u: Vector1; const b: Matrix1; j: Index;
                      var p: EntryType) ;
{ pre: [[u]] = U /\ [[b]] = B ; post: p = U . B[_, j] }
  var k: Index;
  p := Zero ;
  for k := 0 to N-1 do p := p + u[k] * b[k, j] ;
  end; { Vector1Mult }

procedure Matrix1Mult(const a, b: Matrix1; var c: Matrix1);
{ pre: [[a]] = A /\ [[b]] = B ; post: [[c]] = A * B }
  var i, j: Index;
  for i := 0 to N-1 do
    for j := 0 to N-1 do
      Vector1Mult(a[i], b, j, c[i, j])
  end; { Matrix1Mult }

procedure ScaleAdd(e: EntryType; u: Vector2; var v: Vector2);
{ pre: [[u]] = U /\ [[v]] = V ; post: [[v]] = e*U + V }
  if u <> nil then
    with u^ do
      if v = nil then begin
        ScaleAdd(e, vnext, v) ;
        NewVector2(v, vix, e*val, v)
        end { then }
      else if vix > v^.vix then
        ScaleAdd(e, u, v^.vnext)
      else if vix < v^.vix then begin
        ScaleAdd(e, vnext, v) ;
        NewVector2(v, vix, e*val, v)
        end { then }
      else { vix = v^.vix } begin
        v^.val := v^.val + e*val ;
        ScaleAdd(e, vnext, v^.vnext)
        end { else }
  end; { ScaleAdd }

procedure Vec2Mat2Mult(u: Vector2; a: Matrix2; var v: Vector2);
{ pre: [[u]] = U /\ [[a]] = A /\ [[v]] = V ; post: [[v]] = V + U * A }
  while (u <> nil) and (a <> nil) do
    with u^, a^ do
      if vix < mix then u := vnext
      else if vix > mix then a := mnext
      else { vix = mix } begin
        ScaleAdd(val, vec, v) ;
        u := vnext ;
        a := mnext
        end { else }
  end; { Vector2Mult }

procedure Matrix2Mult(a, b: Matrix2; var c: Matrix2);
{ pre: [[a]] = A /\ [[b]] = B /\ (not Def.c \/ c=nil) ;
  post: "c is fresh" /\ [[c]] = A * B }
  var v: Vector2;
  if a = nil then c := nil
  else with a^ do begin
    v := nil ; { [[v]] = 0-vector }
    Vec2Mat2Mult(vec, b, v) ;
    Matrix2Mult(mnext, b, c) ;
    NewMatrix2(c, mix, v, c)
    end { with }
  end; { Matrix2Mult }

procedure TestMult(f: Fraction);
{ pre: true ; post: output random NxN matrix and its square computed
  both as Matrix1 and Matrix2 }
  var a1, b1: Matrix1P; { dynamic variables because of large size }
      a2, b2: Matrix2;
      p: pointer; { for Mark/Release }
  Mark(p) ;
  new(a1) ; new(b1) ;

  RandomMatrix2(a2, f) ;
  writeln('Random Matrix2 a2 with ', 100*f:1:2, '% nonzeroes:') ;
  WriteMatrix2(a2) ;

  Matrix2ToMatrix1(a2, a1^) ;
  writeln('Random Matrix1 a1 = a2:') ;
  WriteMatrix1(a1^) ;

  Matrix1Mult(a1^, a1^, b1^) ;
  writeln('b1 = a1 * a1:') ;
  WriteMatrix1(b1^) ;

  Matrix2Mult(a2, a2, b2) ;
  writeln('b2 = a2 * a2:') ;
  WriteMatrix2(b2) ;

  end; { TestMult }

procedure TimeMult1(f: Fraction; var t: longint);
{ pre: true ; post: t = time for multiplying f-random Matrix1 to itself }
    a, b: Matrix1P;
    p: pointer;
    tim: Timer;
    k: integer;
  Mark(p) ;
  new(a) ; new(b) ;
  RandomMatrix1(a^, f) ;
  tim.Start ;
  Matrix1Mult(a^, a^, b^) ;
  tim.Stop ;
  t := tim.Elapsed(false) ;
  end; { TimeMult1 }

procedure TimesMult1(flo, fhi: Fraction; i: integer);
{ pre: flo < fhi  /\  i > 0;
  post: output mult. times for i intervals evenly spaced over flo..fhi }
  var k: integer; f: Fraction; t: longint;
  writeln('Multiplication of random ', N:1, ' x ', N:1, ' Matrix1') ;
  writeln('  % nonzero     time in s') ;
  writeln('  ---------     ---------') ;
  for k := 0 to i do begin
    f := ((i-k)*flo + k*fhi)/i ;
    write(' ':2+1, 100*f:6:2, ' ':2+5) ;
    TimeMult1(f, t) ;
    writeln(' ':2, t/100:5:2)
    end { for k }
  end; { TimesMult1 }

procedure TimeMult2(f: Fraction; var t: longint);
{ pre: true ; post: t = time for multiplying f-random Matrix2 to itself }
    a, b: Matrix2;
    p: pointer;
    tim: Timer;
  Mark(p) ;
  RandomMatrix2(a, f) ;
  tim.Start ;
  Matrix2Mult(a, a, b) ;
  tim.Stop ;
  t := tim.Elapsed(false) ;
  end; { TimeMult2 }

procedure TimesMult2(flo, fhi: Fraction; i: integer);
{ pre: flo < fhi  /\  i > 0;
  post: output mult. times for i intervals evenly spaced over flo..fhi }
  var k: integer; f: Fraction; t: longint;
  writeln('Multiplication of random ', N:1, ' x ', N:1, ' Matrix2') ;
  writeln('  % nonzero     time in s') ;
  writeln('  ---------     ---------') ;
  for k := 0 to i do begin
    f := ((i-k)*flo + k*fhi)/i ;
    write(' ':2+1, 100*f:6:2, ' ':2+5) ;
    TimeMult2(f, t) ;
    writeln(' ':2, t/100:5:2)
    end { for k }
  end; { TimesMult2 }

procedure FindTurnOver(hi: Fraction; eps: real; verbose: boolean);
{ pre: true;
  post: ouput fraction f for which times for squaring an f-random Matrix1
        and an f-random Matrix2 are equal to precision eps/2 provided f <= hi
        (otherwise hi is output to precision eps/2),
        if verbose then also output approximations }
{ N.B. For values N < 50 times become too small; repeated multiplication
  might help; but this is not done. }
    a1, b1: Matrix1P;
    a2, b2: Matrix2;
    p, q: pointer;
    flo, fhi, f: Fraction;
    tim: Timer;
    t1, t2: longint;

  flo := 0.0 ; fhi := hi ;
  if verbose then
    writeln('Search turnover between ', 100*flo:1:2, '% and ', 100*fhi:1:2, '%') ;
  while fhi - flo > eps do begin
    f := (flo + fhi) / 2 ;
    if verbose then write('Fraction = ', 100*f:5:2, '%, ') ;

    Mark(p) ;
    RandomMatrix2(a2, f) ;
    Mark(q) ;

    if verbose then write('Mult2 takes ') ;
    tim.Start ;
    Matrix2Mult(a2, a2, b2) ;
    tim.Stop ;
    t2 := tim.Elapsed(false) ;
    if verbose then write(t2/100:1:2, 's') ;

    Release(q) ;
    new(a1) ; new(b1) ;
    if verbose then write(', ') ;
    Matrix2ToMatrix1(a2, a1^) ;

    if verbose then write('Mult1 takes ') ;
    tim.Start ;
    Matrix1Mult(a1^, a1^, b1^) ;
    tim.Stop ;
    t1 := tim.Elapsed(false) ;
    if verbose then write(t1/100:1:2, 's') ;

    Release(p) ;
    writeln ;
    { interval reduction is done a bit more slowly than halving because
      randomness of matrices makes times less reliable }
    if t1 > t2 then flo := (flo + f) / 2
    else fhi := (f + fhi) / 2 ;
    if verbose then
      writeln('Turnover between ', 100*flo:1:2, '% and ', 100*fhi:1:2, '%')
    end { while } ;

  writeln('Turnover fraction = ', 100*(flo+fhi)/2:1:2, ' +/- ',
    100*eps/2:1:2, ' s')
  end; { FindTurnOver }

Randomize ;
N := 4 ;
TestMult(0.5) ;
N := MaxN ;
TimesMult1(0.0, 1.0, 5) ;
{TimesMult1(0.0, 0.2, 4) ;}
TimesMult2(0.0, 1.0, 5) ;
write('Type <return> to continue: ') ; readln ;
FindTurnOver(1.0, 0.05, true)

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