[fpc-pascal] fpmake: output directories

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Wed Jun 3 11:29:46 CEST 2009

2009/6/3 Michael Van Canneyt <michael at freepascal.org>:
> Why ? Windows is even more of a mess as far as I'm concerned,

The only nice thing is you can query the system for some basic
applications: eg: I need to open a text file, I know notepad.exe will
exist. etc...  At least now with the xdg-open command and it's various
settings this can now be done in Linux as well.

> Probably the fact that I use KDE - which has it's own tree - explains
> that my directory is empty.

I must say, that is one think about KDE (compared to Gnome). KDE is a
lot more consistent in it's config locations across various KDE based
applications. And KDE is also a lot more consistent in it's UI across
various KDE based applications.

Issues I frequently see in Gnome:
  * I enable menu tear-off feature.  Very few apps adhere to that setting.
  * File Open & Save dialogs. I have seen so many apps that have different
     versions of those dialogs.
  * UI layout varies from application to application.

But for some reason, I just find it hard to switch to KDE. I used to
be a big KDE fan in the Suse 7 & 8 days, but in recent years I started
using Ubuntu and just got used to Gnome.

What widgetset do you have Lazarus IDE compiled with? Qt, GTK2, GTK1?
Recently I made the switch from GTK1 to GTK2.

> I know this, but in practice, what can I set it to ? $HOME is not an option,
> because then my home directory is cluttered with visible
> files and directories.

True... You can always set it to $HOME and implement
OnGetApplicationName which prefixes a "dot" infront of you application
name when the system runs under a unix environment.  But then, maybe
that's to much effort. :-)

What's your issue with the ~/.config/ directory?  How often you to
browse those folders anyway?  I know I hardly do.

My issue with the "dot" directories in the $HOME directory. I have no
idea how to list only the "dot" directories. What I use is this...

  $> ls -lsa

But that lists "dot" directories and everything else.  Maybe I just
don't know bash well enough yet.  :-(

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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