[fpc-pascal] Free Pascal created libraries used by other languages

Graeme Geldenhuys graeme at mastermaths.co.za
Wed Dec 9 15:22:18 CET 2009

Marco van de Voort wrote:
> You see mangled names, exactly what you would see if you did this on a C++
> .so. IOW this dll is not flattened.
> Do this on a C dll to see the difference.

Out of curiosity I tried, but I can't find any 'unstripped' .so files on my
Linux system. So Midnight Commander doesn't show me anything, other than
what architecture the .so file is.

> Roughly there are only three options:

OK, to not add any more items to my todo list, I'll forget about the
library idea for now. It was worth asking though.

Thanks to all for giving such quick replies.

> Reread the wiki entry to get an idea what packages are about.

I just found 3 wiki pages, thanks to Mattias in a similar thread in the
Lazarus mailing list.  I'm reading through them now.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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